Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to Make Time

Yeah, I know. I'm not the master of time.  But stick around for a bit and let me know what you think.

The answer is simple.  But it's challenging nevertheless for those who are not organized by nature.  Trust me, I know.

The only way to make time, is to keep and follow a schedule.  But, change is the only constant.  So here are some guidelines to keep in mind when sculpting and sticking with your schedule.
  1. don't be afraid to tweak - you're on a mission to create a schedule, a routine that is the best fit for you
  2. keep in mind that things change and that you need to be willing to adjust your schedule as need be
  3. allow some time after vacations and other large 'breaks' to get back into the flow of the routine; don't let this time period be a discouragement
  4. don't let it get stale - yes, we're creatures of habit, but we can also be easily bored
Yes, it's much easier to create and keep a schedule at work and with regular appointments.  But what else can be and should be included?
  • "me time" - it's a necessity to take time for yourself to unwind, indulge, spend time with yourself
  • workouts and other forms of exercise - with all the benefits, this should be included in some form or manner into every day
  • family time - play a game, take a walk, wrestle with the kids and dog, whatever
  • social time - girls night out, football night: it's a health thing (I'm not kidding)
  • mental enrichment activities - like a muscle, you gotta exercise your mind and change it up every now and then
  • quiet time - breath, meditate, pray, reflect, etc
  • house chores - gotta keep the habitat clean and healthy
  • time for any 'projects'
  • time to make sure you're staying on track - if you stay on top of tracking things (to do lists for example) this shouldn't take more than mere minutes a day
Did I forget anything?  How do you keep your days and life organized?  What are your challenges with staying on top of things?

What is a Sugar Glider

Hehehe, I know this won't stop the questions, but this is for those who have never heard of such a creature.

A Sugar Glider is a tiny marsupial (yes, from Australia like Kangaroos) who is nocturnal, highly social(1), omnivorous(2), and highly curious.

1) Sugar Gliders live in groups as large as 20 of their own kind in the wild
2) in the wild they'll eat bugs, fruit, leaves, veggies, eggs, etc.  I feed my little guy a 'kibble' that the breeder recommended plus vitamins, fruit, and other treats.

My li'l furbat is named Fritz.  He's about 6 months out of the pouch (I'm not kidding, that's the official term) now.

They LOVE anything sweet, so he snatched a quick lick.
That picture should give you an idea of just how small they are.  They can get up to 7oz and are full grown at about 4" long (plus the tail that's as at least as long as the body).

That's a basic summary of what a Sugar Glider is.  There will be more like this coming soon.  But for now, any questions?  Did I leave anything out of this brief 'definition'?  Do you own a Sugar Glider?  Are you thinking of getting one?  What unusual pets do you think are the coolest?

My First Post

This post is to serve as a kind of 'welcome' post (a.k.a. starter content lol).

So, welcome!

I'm Kat and this is my personal blog.  No, that doesn't mean that I'll talk mindlessly about what I did today. I'm going to use this as a platform to help me share information with you. 

Most of the time I'll be talking about...
  • sugar gliders (I'll explain what that is in another post)
  • various food and drink 'adventures' (I'm a foodie, lol)
  • marketing (especially non-traditional marketing and doubly especially web marketing)
  • wellness discoveries (basically what I've stumbled upon as I attempt to keep all aspects of myself healthy)
  • and pretty much anything else I find interesting lol
I look forward to sharing and talking with you as the future unfolds.  Please, comment on and share any posts that you find interesting/worthy.  If I leave anything out, there's a related topic that you'd like to share, maybe a related link - whatever you decide - bring it on!  :-D

Have fun and I'll talk you to later!